All my Cat-related Post on the Blog

Today, I would like to gather all the cat-related posts I’ve made since the beginning on this blog. If you’ve been here for a while, you know I used to have a cat. Used to have… Unfortunately, he got sick, a cold, the next day after my 26th birthday and died in my arms 5 days after. He was 16 years old. During the last 16 years, this furball has been my best friend (sometimes my only friend). Losing him was very harsh for me and it left me in bad state. For days, I wasn’t able to eat, sleep properly, concentrate on anything. I could do absolutely nothing. I wanted nothing. I just wanted one thing, to hug my lost baby. But I couldn’t, as he had been taken from me, forever. Days are less painful for me know, as I’m able to talk a little more about it without breaking in tears.

The blog didn’t suffer that much from this period, as I previously had pre-upload posts. And just a few days ago, I’ve been able to do something again here. Things are very slowly going back to “normal”, even if the old normal won’t ever come back to me.

As you probably guess, there won’t be much cat-related post for quite a time here, as there’s “no need” anymore and because it’s still painful for me. I hope you’ll understand.

That’s the reason why I decided to make this post and gather all the related posts, to make up for the coming lack of this kind of posts.

Pros and Cons of Having a Cat when Being a Student

All Against Pets’ Abandon

How to Survive Christmas with a Cat

Cat-safe Christmas Decorations

Making some Pajamas for my Old Cat

Thank you for your support. Now it means even more to me and I’m grateful to each of you who has been subscribing, commenting, liking, reading here. You gave me some strength this way.

I’ll talk to you soon in a next post,

Until then, take care of yourself ā¤

Ady ā¤

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